Matching Travel Policy to Your Company Culture

Having an outdated travel policy often means your policy may not reflect your current company culture. When the two don't align, that causes tension that is felt throughout your organization, and can lead to losing top talent.

As if trying to keep an updated policy isn't enough of a challenge, travel managers are also having to deal with a lack of compliance from those entering the workforce. New workplace expectations mean accounting for bleisure, flexible scheduling and on-the-go changes.

In this white paper, we work to help shed light on the issues at hand, and help you evaluate your current company culture to create a travel policy that satisfies the travelers without making the bottom line suffer. You'll learn more about:

  • The importance of company culture
  • Policy implementation challenges and how to overcome them
  • Culture types and how to align your policy accordingly
  • Tactical steps to improving your travel policy in months, not years

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